
hey there Yakima

So just like my friend AK, I am able to see who's been looking at my blog on a daily basis- Hi Dana, Hey Tania, Hey Grandma Klier and Grandpa Klier, How's it going Scott? Nice to see you Trey! What's up Sara?
Anyway, I'm noticing that there has been someone out in Yakima checking in every so often. I'd love to meet you, or do I already know you? Drop me a note next time you visit.


bandwidow said...

I've noticed you too Yakima...

Anonymous said...

hi jen,
it's just me- marymonahan from good ole' sjcc days. found your blog through yer myspace link. (hi ann-krestene!) i hope i haven't appeared stalkerish- i check both of your blogs on a regular basis because i enjoy and appreciate both of your insights on parenthood and the like. we're over here bc my husband took a job in easternwashington last year and i've been trying to cope with living in the middle of nowhere. reading your blogs reminds me of what living in civilization is like. hope this finds you all well! xo.

Jennifer said...

Hey Mary! Good to hear from you again. Yakima, huh? Sounds like you need to start your own blog...love to hear about what's going on in your neck of the woods.

mary said...

well, bad hair and an abundance of country music just about sums it up. sometimes i wish i was more courageous with my camera (oh, the leggings i've seen! and bangs!) but fear usually takes over... i just started my student teaching assignment last week (kindergarten!) so i'll keep you posted as to how it's going. the kids are ridiculously cute- although i've already learned, never trust a kid named 'angel'! xo.