Family is a mysterious thing. We are born into a unit and grow and experience and love and live with people. These people are bonded to us, but sometimes, much like college room mates, once we move away from them the bond fades. I don't understand it really. My family is now spread out from Michigan with two of us here in Seattle and one out in South Pasadena. The rest of us are still in Michigan. These migrations out West have made things a bit difficult for my parents. They don't get to see the grandkids as much as they'd like and the grandkids miss out on being around my siblings who formed so much of who I am.
I look at my children now and I know that one day they'll move away from home. The bond between us will still be there but it will be a different.
My dad is from a larger family with his siblings living in Florida, Texas, Seattle, and to be honest...I'm not sure where else but I know there is another one out there. I remember being close to one of his brothers. We would travel to his house at Christmas and they'd give all the girls the same gift and all the boys the same gift. We'd always hope to be the first one to open it so we'd be surprised. He has a younger sister who would pop over to our house with her young boys occasionally. I remember her being so hippy-ish, she would rub my face and tell me that I should be a foot model.
With such a big family you'd think holidays would be a grand event. But they weren't. None of them seemed very interested in creating traditions. Keep in mind that this is coming from a child's memory.
About once a year my dad's mother comes to Seattle because her youngest daughter lives out here. We all get together for dinner and sight seeing. This last time she came with another daughter, my aunt Claudia. We were all shocked to see her because she had aged so much over the years. It was a nice visit but Aunt Claudia was visibly uncomfortable.
My memory of Aunt Claudia really are more recent. When my son August was born we had a dedication for him at my mom's church. We planned it so that it would occur during a time when dad's family was in Michigan to celebrate my grandma. They were nice enough to come and wish us well but Aunt Claudia went a step further. She made him a bunny. This bunny was to make the rounds and everyone attending the open house after the dedication was to sign the bunny. It was very sweet.
All these years later August still sleeps with the bunny. When he was old enough I told him what all the words meant and who made him the bunny. He has cherished it.
Late last week we received a phone call telling us that Aunt Claudia had died. It was a sad day. She lived in Texas and now some of her siblings are making the trek across and down to have a memorial service for her. I hope they talk about when she was young and how she played with each of them. I hope they talk about her love for children and how she'd go the extra mile to make them feel special.
I can't imagine losing a brother or sister. I can't imagine losing a son or a daughter. I can't imagine that bond being broken forever. Family is so strong.
Jen , this is really beautiful. Sorry for your family's loss.
oh, jen, my heart goes out to your family. that was so well written. it brought a tear to my eye.
love you
family is indeed a mysterious thing. you wrote this beautifully.
thanks for sharing your thoughts...
thanks gals.
Hey Jen, you should call Dad and ask him about the memorial service. it sounded very honoring of her memory.
Aw, I thought that bunny was a really cool idea. I'm glad I was a part of that day. I had no idea that your Aunt Claudia made it - she did an awesome job on it! Hug.
yup Mike, there you are on the ear. the kids talk about you all the time because of it. well, that and your great personality...
I left a long comment only to discover it disappeared after the 2nd stage, which was to sign up. ARRGGHH. anyway - this is Emma and I just recently opened this blog with this story. Lost my long comment. Maybe someday we can sit on the balcony with drinks and I can tell you about my sister. Love, em
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