today has turned out to be a beautiful day. i opted for a long walk around greenlake this morning. it was a bit cold but the sun was pouring down and it felt good. i brought along my trusty ipod and listened to Erwin speak on his book Soul Cravings.
it was super great. he spoke of love. i've been hearing a lot about this lately. that God has asked us to love Him and to love our neighbors. not just the people i like, but everyone. i could use a little reminder to love people. the bag i've been carrying around lately says clearly, "I HATE PEOPLE". i started carrying it because, for the most part, it's true. i expect the worst from people. i've gotta work on this. as i listened to him speak i was reminded of a verse i memorized as a child, 1 John 4: 7, 8 "Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God because God is love."
it doesn't say that if we know God we will judge and hate and exclude people. it says if we do not love people than we do not know God.
i'm constantly depressed and embarrassed by the actions of people who call themselves Christians. i've struggled for years to forge my own way within Christianity. i've even gone so far was distancing myself from those who call themselves Christians.
i'm a long way from figuring it out but i think i'm making baby steps towards how i believe God wants me to be.
Does this mean we won't be able to sit in a crowded cafe and talk about the people who walk by anymore?
I hear ya jen. figuring it out right there with ya.
I actually just read this right before hopping onto your page...
"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."
i'm sure there's a loop hole somewhere that says making fun of people is different than judging them...right?
i just can't get enough of those bunnies! so great, jen!
Thanks for Ella's new hoppy friend!
hi jen...remember me? anyway, rachel sent me a link to your blog and i feel very at home here (if that makes any sense) your bunnies and your thoughts...hope you don't mind me reading...
My latest epiphany is that where God tell us to do stuff (like love people), we can't do it by ourselves although that's our tendency, to try to "do better" and stuff. But instead of trying to be better I feel like God wants me to tell him I can't be better and I really need his help. That takes the pressure off and makes my heart glad, for real.
(And I don't mean to wrap that up in a nice happy package, cause there's frustration involved with it too of course but I really do feel like I'm onto something with this, there's freedom in it, you know?)
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