
last practice...bring on the games!

yesterday was august's very last practice before his little league games start. the sun was out. the dog was tired and hazel was high on motrin:

august took his turn as the catcher...you can't really see him under all the gear:

both these pictures were taken with my phone...they'll have to do until i get a new camera. i think they look alright though. august's games start on saturday. he'll be wearing the whole uniform...including the smallest cup known to man...it's so cute...i won't be posting pictures of that...


palomarace said...

Haaaaaa Haaaaaa!!!!

and since you did not finish your sentence in your post ... I will for you.

"these pictures were taken with my phone. Have I mentioned that my camera is broken?... AND that my birthday is coming up"

ok...there you go Jen, just looking out for you.

kustuck said...

i love that pic of hazel. your phone takes great pics!
i hope the first game goes well...always exciting!

Jennifer said...

thanks for finishing my sentence amy...you always did know what i was thinking!
yeah, the camera does take some pretty clear pictures...get used to em!