

Thanks to Rebekah, I am going to try a new little thing here where I post about the good things that happen everyday.
I struggle with finding the good in things and I've seen this manifest itself in August. We work together on a daily basis by asking each other for something good that occurred in our day.
So friends and family, I'm going to attempt to tell you the good things, the things I can celebrate each day...enjoy.

Today I Celebrate:

* The second warm, sunny day in a row.

* My successful attempt to jog/walk around Greenlake with the dogs.

* The quick 20 minute nap I took in the sun.

* Hamburgers for dinner.

*August feeling good about the WASL (our state standardized test he's been taking for a week).

* Hazel being a social, loving friend.

* Trey arriving safely to his destination and calling to check in when he landed.

* Getting a last minute appointment for Hazel with an allergy Dr.


mary said...

happy you're seeing the lightness in things jen. i celebrate your honesty! xo.

tania said...

lovely. it's a good reminder for all of us, thanks :)

Jennifer said...

Mary, good to see you here again!!

mary said...

i've missed you jen many!
(the first year of teaching has taken precedence over any blogging opportunities... but this summer? WATCH OUT!) :) xoxox.