
Dog Picture of the Day

Wednesday. Hump Day.
I spent the better part of this morning getting information out about the 3rd Annual Hootenanny at the kids school. I've been putting this "talent" show on for the last three years and have got it down cold...but getting things rolling takes a while for me...everyone has their info sheets and the sign ups are...up. Now I sit and wait for all the calls and questions and emails and for the 27th. On the 27th I get to start screening the acts. I'll let you know more as things unfold.

August has Ultimate Frisbee practice today. We've been lucky enough to have a few of his friends on the same team so there has been some great carpool action going on, today he's being picked up by one parent and dropped off by another...gotta love it!

Hazel is sitting next to me on the couch right now. She's reading "Are You My Mother?" and she's doing a pretty good job with it! I love hearing her successfully read a sentence...I'm her biggest cheerleader.


stephy said...

Those dogs sure look sweet.
You are not my mother, you are a snort! That's my favorite line from that book.

melissa said...

what are some of hazel's other favorites? i find nothing more exciting these days than sitting down to hear stella read a book...even if it is hop on pop for the 43rd time! i can't believe august has an ultimate frisbee team! that's so cool! how i'd love an afternoon with your family!!!

tania said...

sounds like some good stuff going on :)