

Hazel was tested for allergies today...guess what...she's got some!
Man, oh, man!
We told Hazel that the test wouldn't bee too bad. I realized that I was wrong right about when she buried her face in my chest and silently sobbed. She was so brave and held it together until the nurse left the room...
Turns out that she's allergic to trees and their fruit...no more apples, peaches, nectarines or cherries. She's also allergic to cats...and slightly to dogs. The Doctor suggested getting a HEPA filter for her room and that the dogs have to stay out of her room...not a problem. When she heard the list of allergens she balled because she thought we would have to get rid of the dogs. The Doctor assured her that the dot for dogs was a very small reaction, that she was more allergic to cats which was half the size of the tree allergies.


bandwidow said...


poor kid, hope the testing wasn't too bad.

Mike G! said...

I had to do this very thing when I was five only I had to spend 2 weeks in the hospital because of it. The 70's were sure different.

Jennifer said...

MG, yikes! Did you have a reaction that caused you to stay in the hospital?
Did you get allergy shots? We're wondering if we should have H start the process...

tania said...

poor hazel! had you been suspecting allergies to these things?

seems like i may have some issues with oona... solids were going great, but now she's got a rash under her chin from everything she eats. doc thinks it's from drool, but i don't.