
the ringer

i watched that johnny knoxville movie "The Ringer" . i didn't see it in theaters because i thought i'd be offended...but then my brother scott mentioned that it was pretty funny so...i netflixed it. trey was out of town when it came so i watched it alone. i'm not a huge laugh out loud person but holy cow. i laughed often and loud.
i'm watching again tonight with trey so that i can laugh at the movie AND at trey laughing at the movie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey JEN,

Scott here. I know -- i skipped the movie for the same reason, but man, he really nailed everything that's good and pure about downs, handicapped, etc. Now you just have to go rent Deadman's Shoes. it would be a great doublefeature about growing up with the handicapped. Trust me...
