

Well, it's been quite an adjustment this last week.
I'd like to say that the kids are just fine with all the changes in our schedule and if you'd have asked me last week I would have told you just that...but we're on week two of me working full time and I'm beginning to see some changes in their behavior.
I like to be at work by 8 so that I can get the room organized and make copies and do whatever other small task that must be completed by 9, which means that the kids are having to wake up around 7:15. It was difficult to wake them at 8...7:15 is almost torture! I try to get everything ready for them before I enter their rooms, I try to have breakfast packed so that they can eat in my class while I buzz around the school, I try to be positive while I poke and prod them from their beds. I try. And I sometimes fail.
The behaviors I'm seeing are definitely due to them being tired. Hazel has been very full of tears. Tears at the drop of the hat. I checked in on her today and watched her laugh and play with some friends but then she saw me and literally began crying in one second. Big tears. I walked over to a confused group of friends and hugged her and reassured her that when school was over she could come and hang out in my room until we leave. In the end I had to leave her crying to get back to my room.
August has been quiet. It could be because he's tired, it could also be that he's just working so hard at getting his homework done so that he can retire to his room to read the latest Percy Jackson book. Or it could be that he wants to rush home to play the guitar Trey bought him last week. Either way, the boy is changing from a little kid into a big kid before my very eyes.
When they have to be in my room in the morning and afternoon they are amazing. I couldn't ask for better behaved children. They are patient and willing to help get things done so we can leave.
I'm adjusting alright as well. No more idle time for me...every minute is used planning time slots throughout the day. I've got a great bunch of kids in this class. It should be a great 5 weeks. I can tell you that I am very much looking forward to Sasquatch. And I am very, very much looking forward to my week long trip with Trey in June. The count down has begun.


tania said...

so glad to get your update! i've been thinking of you. i am sure it must be such an adjustment for everyone. it sounds like you are handling it all so well! and, i am certain your students must love having you and participating in all your well-thought-out lessons!

bandwidow said...

Glad to have an update as well. I was wondering how everything was going and knowing you were probably busier than you could take! Let me know if I can help out with the kids.

rachel said...

hi! i miss you! you're the busy workin' mama now! i am counting down til summer, and hope to see more of you then!