The Boy, not the month.
He's had so much going on these days:
He has been getting work done on his teeth for the past number of months. It all started with an expander on the roof of his mouth and has now progressed to braces on his bottom teeth. He was great during the appointment and I just couldn't help snap this picture of his mouth all stretched out. He went right to school once the braces were in place, taking his travel toothbrush and toothpaste with him. After school he did ask for some kids pain reliever while he worked on his homework.
Nowadays you can pick out the color of your rubber brands and so...August chose glow in the dark bands. We left the office with hopes that he could read in the dark by the light of his teeth. He was a bit disappointed when bed time came.
August has been getting ready for the Washington State standardized test for the 3rd grade. I hate these things. I was never a good test taker. August, as some of you know, takes quite a while to get things done, homework is always a struggle- he's missed recess because he can't get work done during class time. I worry about this for him. So we've been working on some test like items at home and I think he'll do just fine. His teacher said that it's not a timed test and that the students get as much time as they need. It starts on Monday and continues through the week.
During all this prep time I've noticed him retiring to his room for hours after school work. He hangs out there and then sneaks out of his room and asks for my iPhone to take pictures. This is what he's been working on:
I think the most impressive thing is that these aren't kits. He is just going in his room and building new Speeders. He's emailed pictures of some of these to his cousin Z and his best friend F and a boy from school with hopes that they'll all start building their own. He has this grand idea that they can all get together and make card for these Speeders with "fire power" and other things I can't remember because it sounds way too much like Pokemon and well, I just don't get all that. I'm just loving it. He said these words to me a few days ago, "I can't believe I'm saying this but I think I'm having a better time building Speeders than I do playing video games!"
Hey August! On Christmas, we can make speeders together! Bring some of your star wars people. I don't have as much. I'll send some pictures on the weekend.
Hey August. I'm back again. I have somthing else to tell you. Ask your sister if she wants to make speeders too. Then Audrey and Hazel can make speeders together and they can play too!
Hazel is trying to but it is kind'a hard for her. Hey, how about we build during summer vacation? i hope we get to see each other then...
from August
francis was very excited and set to work to build his own. we'll get pictures to you soon.
way to go, august!!
isn't the imagination just grand?!
noah and ezra say, "AWESOME job, august!" "we wanna make some too and take pictures!"
good luck with your new braces, too, august!
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