
My LIttle Note Collection

Every once in a while I'll go to bed and as I'm moving my pillows around I find a note. Sometimes the note has words, sometimes it has pictures, but all the time it is amazing!
When I hear the crinkle of paper I get as excited as a kid who just lost their first tooth. I'm not even kidding!
Hazel's notes have often come at the end of a rather rough day. She has an amazing sense for when I could use a little pick-me-up. And her notes are just the thing.
This last one says:
"I love my momy. I hog and kiss her evrey day. I miss her when I'm at shcool and when she is away. When I am mad at her I still love her. When she is sick or srest (stressed) I triy to help. I don't caer if I donet hav a berth day or get eny toys I still love her."

I mean come on! She's killing me lately!


tania said...

AWWW! That is too sweet.

bandwidow said...

Love that. I read and understood everything without your translation! Very nice handwriting and sounding words out.

Amy Reynolds said...

Oh my goodness!!! I just love these! She is such an amazing person.

rachel said...

that is too much, jen. that's possibly the sweetest thing. those closed-door moments of our kids, when their hearts shine thru. what a gift...

stephy said...

That KILLS me!! What dolly! Hogs!