i've been listening to the mosaic podcast while the kids were in soccer camp last week. i'm always hit with something when i listen to their services. lately it's been all about our relationship with God and how we go about finding that relationship. the service from 8/13 was all about the search and how when we were young we loved searching for things- think about Easter...hunting for the eggs...the best! playing ghost in the grave yard (night time hide and seek) was so fun! and now? we hate having to find things. i hate, HATE being lost. i hate searching for my keys, paperwork, leash, shoes, a stinking pen for heaven's sake! i want things to be where they should be when i need them to be there! and lately? i hate searching for God. i can come up with a million reasons to just not search Him out- i'm tired, i'm busy, hazel needs me, tank needs a walk, the dishwasher is done, the rug needs to be vacuumed...i could go on and on. and in the mean time i'm not searching. i'm waiting. waiting to be found. and talking at God rather than talking to Him (which was another message that happened to come from mosaic). i'm working on this relationship thing and any day that i *find* time to read and listen and talk to God is a good day.
the past few days have brought some oddities for me:
So glad you are encouraged by the podcast! Thanks for listening!
hey gorgeous! WOW!!!! you look smokin' hot!!!
what a fun weekend!!!
I missed both of those services, but I will have to go check them out on the podcast.
you are awesome jen!!! I love you!!
thanks for being vulnerable and sharing your thoughts about the God stuff. it's a neverending struggle, i fear, but one that is seasoned with hope...
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